Wednesday 30 May 2012

Ireland and The European Stability Mechanism, the enabling of a financial dictatorship.

Say I came to your house and offered to act as a go between with the other 27 houses on your street and for the privilege I got you to pay me a substantial amount of your income. Lets say you agreed.

A few months later, when you needed more money to keep up with the larger houses across the street, I then loaned you your own money back with interest, then when you couldn't afford to pay me any-more I asked you to re-mortgage your house to repay me the original debt plus interest.

Say by this point I asked you to sign over the electrical grid in your house, the driveway, the TV aerial, the taps, the toilet, and the bed as collateral. After a few weeks lets say I owned the rights to everything in the house worth having.

Say by this point your family was getting angry and thinking about leaving for another street because there was no future in your house and it looked like quite a few of the other houses in the street had the same problem. Would you then as a last resort agree to sign over all your financial powers to me, allow me to make loans in your name which you would have to pay back? Allow me to change the terms of agreements we had already made as and when I wanted? Agree that even if you decided it was unfair that I was immune to any prosecution or liability and that you had no rights to see any of the documents?

Nobody in their right mind would do this, but everything up to the last paragraph has already happened within the EU, and if Ireland passes the ESM tomorrow then the last paragraph is going to come true. Dictatorships don't just seize power by force, many times they are elected and given a mandate and by voting Yes in the referendum tomorrow Ireland is giving the EU a mandate to take over ALL financial matters with no oversight from anyone in Ireland. The chances are that even with a 'NO' vote they will simply just force you to vote again until they get the result they want just as they did with the Lisbon Treaty, but the more people who vote NO the better it is for us, and the harder it will be for them to force it through anyway.

Vote NO.

The truth about the ESM.