Tuesday 7 August 2012

The free speech case revisited.


While I don't agree with the users tweet and absolutely agree that it was out of order, a pre-dawn Police raid for a 17 year old, who didn't actually say anything abusive nor make a threat is totally excessive. It sets a dangerous precedent and is contrary to freedom of speech.
As Voltaire said, "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

What the troll said didn't alarm me, but the fact the Police would raid your house at 4am for a post is basically thought crime, that's how they used to roll in East Germany and places like that. How far would we like to take it? If you allow the state to arrest people for saying things, then secret imprisonment and indefinite detention is not far behind. Obviously It sounds like I'm making a big deal out of it, but this country is becoming more and more 'Police state' by the year, and you have to defend everybodies rights not just your own.

The internet is the crucible of the craven, a lot of small boys hiding behind big screens there is no denying that. As for the boy, he shouldn't of said it, but he has a right to say it if he wants to, just as we have a right to say we think he is wrong.

In conclusion, It's dangerous to call for arresting people for things they say, who knows, maybe one day you'll get a knock at the door because something you said has been deemed arrestable. If a phrase "You know your Dad would be ashamed of you" constitutes state intervention then by the same logic we should all be under arrest for things we have said online.

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